Saturday, September 10, 2011


You have to admit, it isn't very Presidential for Obama to chant, "Pass this bill now", especially in front of a large number of Union people.

It reminds me of the days when the Hippies demonstrated against the colleges and the government and chanted "Why are we here? What do we want?", do you remember those days? Almost anyone could pick up a megaphone and become an organizer, if they could get people to respond to their chants. Well, Barak is doing the same thing, and it disgusts me.

Look, I suggested that Obama would present another WPA like the one that won approval during the mid thirties. The only thing different than that one is Obama's terminology: he likes to call it "Infrastructure", but make no mistake, it is another WPA. Those of you who are computer savvy, look it up. It is so like we are trying to duplicate the 30's all over again; Roosevelt revisited.

This is not 1935 and the reason for America experiencing so much unemployment is because Obama and Ben Bernacke are trying to fix the problems of the 30's, in the year 2011. Unemployment is the result of Obama's spending plans and the lack of the Senate and Congress to establish and pass a budget, and the Federal Reserve printing money and buying American debt. Think about this: America is spending taxpayers money, without even the idea that politicians are required to explain to the taxpayers, what it is their taxes are going to. The only arguments that come out of Washington, are how much and who decides where the money goes.

There is an election coming in just about one year, give or take a month. You had better decide what it is you want this country to look like. The Federal government prosecutes people like Maddoff for his "Ponzi" schemes, but it is even more culpable of doing the same thing, without penalty. Social Security, is a Ponzi scheme; taking over General Motors is a Ponzi scheme with a twist; the twist is that it is fascism at its worst; when the government colludes with business to produce a product the government requires and legislates the people of America to buy. Obamacare was the beginning, but rest assured, it is not going to stop unless we vote the rascals out of office.

Perhaps the special election in New York will tell the story. It isn't Repubs that people want. Instead, voters want to get rid of the Socialists. It might take a Conservative or a Libertarian, or whatever, but voters want a change from the same-o, same-o.

There is absolutely no reason why America is not thriving, prospering and producing.....except for the policies of this current administration and Obama's desire to "bring American down". Don't over react to what I am saying, just give yourself the opportunity to intellectually look at what is going on with this administration, its policies and ask yourself why?!

Do you really want to NOT work so America can save the snail darter, or hope to preserve the Caribou or the Polar Bears? Are you not fed up with the lies that Al Gore keeps spewing; the lies that make him rich and put you on extended unemployment benefits? Do you really believe that America is polluting the world? Do you really think that Conservatives want to poison the water and air their kids and families need to survive? Can you not see past the hood ornament on your car?

People....just take a moment:  Do you lack the self esteem to believe you and your neighbors are potentially one of the great people in this amazing country; a country that the world truly relies on in THEIR time of need? A country built upon individual exceptionalism? Wake up and smell the putrid stench of the Democratic party and the debasing of America they are putting you through. This country is admired throughout the world, but the last few years she has suffered under the influence of people who want to see  her debased and leveled. The flag is something we can all rally around and we must find that American spirit within ourselves to help restore her to her greatness; a greatness that only Americans are capable of. "Dam the torpedoes", let's get this country rocking and rolling again; the world needs this country to be prosperous and a beacon for other countries to emulate. We need people in Washington who want this country to once again, "be the shining light upon a hill". We need people in Washington who believe in our exceptionalism, our entrepreneurialism, out competitiveness. We need people in Washington who want to set loose the ideas, the innovations, the creativity of the people of this country, whose ancestors came here to do the same and founded a simple document, called the Constitution that has guided and led this country and its people.

We do not need organizers or verbal thugs in Washington, we need elected officials who want to see the citizens and the country of America, leading the world in a standard of living and prosperity no other country has been able to duplicate.

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