Thursday, September 29, 2011


I smell a new book coming "I am Audacious and to heck with you"; author: The Obamanator.

Is it even possible that Obama cares so little for America and its people that he just dismisses and ignores the obvious? As if Solyndra wasn't bad enough, he approves ANOTHER boondoggle even greater than the first. And the topper is the number two man at this new adventure is Nancy Pelosi's relative. Good gravy man, at least have the decency of not sticking your middle finger in the air at the American taxpayer.

So let's see; $535 million dollars to construct a business that makes solar panels for $6 apiece and sells them for $3 (and not seeing that this is a loosing proposition), then on to another "shovel ready" construction job of  $737 million dollars, for the construction of a solar powered generating plant. Just these two "investments" costs taxpayers $ 1 billion, 272 million dollars, adding a grand total of 45 jobs. You tell me, what private company would you invest in, if it did this sort of thing?

But that's not the end of it; the Obama administration has approved another $1.2 billion dollars to yet another Solar loser by the name of Abengoa Solar. Now we're at $2.4 BILLION dollars, and there are at least 1300 other "technologies" getting over $150 million dollars.

Folks, have you ever heard of FASCISM? With all its diabolical tenets, the one that sticks in my craw the most is the idea of Government Nationalization of a significant number of businesses, all the while maintaining the existing elites.

Mussolini promoted ambiguity about fascism's positions, as long as they involved the "bureaucratisation  of the economic activity of a nation".  Is that what is going on here, sound like that to you?

Roger Griffin in the 1990's defined Fascism as "....elite led, but a populist "armed party" politics promising radical politics to "rescue" a nation...".  One of the main focuses of Fascism is to transform social relations within a modern self determined culture through the use of mass mobilisation, with a positive view of violence. Kind of like Obama when he goes to one of his union meetings and tries to incite the crowds with chants and statements of class warfare.

Obama has supporters who do actually promote violence and have even named the cities in which we can expect to see that occur in the coming months. Our founders would have called that sedition: "the stirring up of rebellion against the government in power; or encouraging one's citizens to rebel against their state". This is not simply a matter of protesting, or demonstrating. Sedition is the call for people to "rebel" against the status quo for no other reason than the direct incitement of disorder and violence.

The left wing of our political system constantly promotes disunity. The majority of news media facilities, promote disunity, and besmirch their opponents, and they do this openly on television, radio and in the news; albeit they have fewer and fewer viewers. None the less, there exists an apparatus to publicly promote this kind of behavior, and we should be mindful of it.

This is going to be a very grueling year. With the general election coming in 14 months, the Progressives (Fascists) will spew out their venom; the news media will try to persuade you even more than they have been doing (how come we don't get a daily count of the soldiers killed in "Obama's" war, like we did when it was "Bush's" war, or those American flag draped coffins?) that ours is a Democratic Nation ( I remind you it is a Republic), in need of "change". There will be ongoing investigations of possible illegal activity like the giving away of hundreds of millions of taxpayer money to "chosen" businesses: there will be more and more and louder and louder "demonstrations" like the recent one on wall street. We'll hear more of the failures of the Obama "investments": The political debates will get more shrill. This election cycle is an "all or nothing" battle between ideologies: Fascism or Capitalism; a Democracy or a Republic. You'll even wonder yourself who is on your side because sometimes even the R's sound like D's, and that is the fault of the 2 party system the XVII amendment, and the bastardization of the electoral college system, but you need to make yourself well informed. The elections in 2012 WILL make a difference. We need conservative Senators, more than a conservative President, and after the elections we need to hold hearings, then prosecute the guilty and send them off to jail. Enough of this Politically Correct stuff. Let's clean house and put this country back on the Right track. Restore Capitalism, Freedom and the ability to pursue your dreams, without all those dang rules and regulations that protect a fish no one knew existed at the expense of losing thousands of acres of productive farmland; or put people back to work by drilling for oil, instead of giving tax payers money to foreign countries so they can drill, or how about a new energy source like natural gas, which would make the USA the Saudi Arabia of the world. Let them come to us once again, and buy what we have to offer.

America is the leader of the free world and needs to act like it again. America is the shining light upon a hill. American ingenuity is admired by the world and they want to be like us, let's stop trying to be like them.
We need to elect people who will help us to hold our heads up high and not be ashamed of who we are. We need to once again unleash the entrepreneurialism of America within the private sector and let the free market pick winners and losers instead of a political party doing the picking.

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