Tuesday, October 4, 2011


Ever since the "Contract with America" I just couldn't find a way to like Newt Gingrich. I didn't like his "not me" boyish grin and I still don't. I didn't like it when he posed with Hilary Clinton and tried to promote a National Health Care program and I didn't like it when he posed with Nancy Pelosi warning America about "Global Warming". But I have to admit, he is a pretty good historian and quite an intellectual "thinker".

I'm all about "thinking". Sometimes I lose the people I'm talking to when I start to "wander". I like thinking; I also like to talk with thinkers. We might never solve problems, but we come up with some pretty good ways problems can be solved.

Now Newt; he's going after the whole idea of trying to become President. Mostly because he "thinks" he has some of the solutions to solving Americas problems. This is where the twist comes in: Newt has gone from "thinking" to "believing" he has the solutions and wants to act on them rather than just "think" about them.

I have always been against Executive Orders because I can never figure out where they end. I mean a President seems to be able to issue these things when ever he feels like it, and no one in the Senate or House of Representatives contests them. So the next question is, why do we need 535 politicians in the Senate and House, if the President can just "issue" these orders? But Newt has come up with an idea that adds to the grating of my nerves: He now wants to become President, so the day after he is inaugurated, he will issue from 50 to 250 "Executive Orders" to virtually undo what Obama has done, and he has a web site asking you to offer other things you would like to see, "undone" by Executive Order. He's calling this the "21st Century Contract with America", or some other silly such thing.

I never did like the idea of the "Contract with America". I "think" the whole thing was childish, so this one is so much worse, to me; and that boyish grin.....!

Newt Gingrich has a lot to offer. He is a very smart man, but he is still a big part of the Establishment Repubs. These guys put up the money, than want to run the show. Newt might issue those executive orders the day after he is inaugurated, but after that, he will be "dictated" to by the big money establishment Repubs.

BUT, we have to ask ourselves: will it be worth it?  Look, Newt might be just another Bush, but IF he actually does issue those orders, he will not only undo the Obama administration, but he would effectively restore American values, business, and prosperity. Those executive orders would re-open the American entrepreneurialism like we have never seen. I "think" there would be a return of money and business to this country that would create so many jobs we would have to quickly decide what to do about immigration, because with all the abortions performed in the last 35 years, this country would not have enough people to fill the jobs this would create.

But I worry about what his 4 years or 8 years as President would otherwise do. Since he has matched himself up with Pelosi and Clinton, can we expect that his Presidency would push for carbon credits or limit coal fired energy plants? Would his implied similar "thinking" cause Americans to have to join a National Healthcare Program like Mitt Romney tried in Mass. or Obama tried to push on all of us? He hasn't distanced himself from either of these issues so it is fair to believe he supports their concepts.

BUT, Newt might just be the best alternative Conservatives and all of Americans, have. We are mainly concerned with restoring America to its God given, God directed glory: and no one is perfect. Do we elect Newt, "thinking" there might be some things about him we will regret; or do we vote for someone we already disagree with, while hoping they would do right?

I know! Why don't we vote for Newt Gingrich for President, and then vote a bunch of conservatives into the Senate to keep him in check? Those guys in the House of Representatives have already got our back; a few more in the Senate might just clinch what the grass roots people are looking for.

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