Sunday, August 14, 2011


Okay, we're all done with Ames Iowa and almost everyone is excited that Michelle Bachmann won THAT vote. But more importantly, Ron Paul came in second.

Look, Ron Paul scares a lot of people, and a lot of would-be politicians like Santorum, but the truth of his positions lies deeply in the butchering of the Constitution by the Progressives and Establishment Repub's for over 65 years.

Ron Paul wants to reduce our military: Well, he's right when you first realize the Constitution does not provide for a military, but rather a Militia and a Navy; there is no place in the Constitution for a National Guard, either; that is the Politicians way of violating the Constitution and getting rid of the Militia's, then using the name National Guard so the Federal Government has control over the local defenders of this great nation. Just think of that for a minute ......National Guard.

Now the National Military is comprised of an Air Force, a Navy, an Army and the Marine well as the National Guard, none of which are Constitutional.  I believe Ron Paul and I are alike on this next concern: If a foreign country needs America's help, we must first declare war, send in our forces to remove or nullify the oppressors, then come back home. There will be collateral damage, otherwise we cannot help. And we need to do this ASAP, not prolong it. Then let the people of that country determine their future and the kind of government they want, not us. This country has no right to determine what other countries should look like. If we present ourselves as a free sovereign nation, wanting to live and thrive in a world community that wants to have peace and trade policies all over the world, we would not get ourselves involved with having to defend our enemies with our fortunes and lives. Let those countries settle their issues within their own borders: we did .... it was called a Civil War, and we wouldn't want other countries invading us to tell us how we should establish our government. Ron Paul wants to bring home troops that 1. Have been stationed on Military bases throughout the world for decades, like Germany, Japan, and Korea. 2. He wants to use these men to protect OUR borders, and not spend taxpayers money to use them to protect a foreign country's borders while ours are allowing illegals to infiltrate this country. 3. America has been fighting a war in the Middle East for over 10 years, and it has cost this country trillions of dollars which adds to the reason why politicians wanted to raise the debt ceiling. So, we borrow money to fight a war, that has never been declared, and there is no end game. Does that really make sense to you?

Ron Paul wants to eliminate a lot of departments and agencies within the Federal Government: well these too are unConstitutional. The Federal Government is limited by the Constitution so "We the People" cannot be governed by politicians and bureaucracy's. Here's a few that are unconstitutional: welfare, health care, affordable housing, retirement security, or how about requiring seat belts in cars, or the posting of the calories in fast foods, then there's public education funded by property taxes, and where do they get the right to tax private property? So, if you take seriously the need for this country to return to the Constitution, then many of these agency's and many, many others have got to go, and "We the People" will once again govern our own lives and fortunes.

So don't let Ron Paul scare you; TEA PARTY PATRIOTS want the same things. This grass roots movement scares the terminal life-long Politician. The "lifers" want power over you, and Ron Paul stirs up the pot against these people. YOU are the ones who can make a difference. Maybe it isn't Ron Paul you like, but no matter who it is, don't vote for the TV "personality politician". Santorum operates from a convoluted perspective of what has happened to the Constitution; Newt Gingrich, Mitt Romney, Pawlenty are all one the "Establishment Repubs". They are entrenched in the system and need to be pulled out like a weed, by the roots.

There is a desperate need for "Constitutionalists" but make certain that is what you are voting for. Personality should play no part in this election; look what it has gotten us so far.

Don't let the truth scare you. Get a copy of the Constitution, read it and learn it. It is not long. Ron Paul is the messenger, don't condemn him for telling you what the Constitution says.

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