Thursday, August 18, 2011


Compasses are one of the tools we use to acquire navigational direction, both on land and sea. But what America is lacking is a Moral Compass, which gives us "directions" on interpersonal matters.

Our Country was founded on Judeao-Christian principles. These included the ideas that promote freedom, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. These principles helped to form laws to govern society with, so we could all live in freedom, while being able to protect the properties and wealth we might have acquired.

The Republic that was "given" to us by our founding fathers, requires us to maintain those principles in order to keep it. Over the years, we have "learned" to call this nation a democracy, and it isn't; again it is a Republic, governed by democratic principles. But by calling it a democracy, politicians have removed the needle in our compass.  And if you have a compass that doesn't have a needle, you will never know what direction you are going in.

That needle the politicians removed is the God of our religion. Any religion which speaks of a Supreme Being, a Creator of everything, by definition, has built into it, morals. Lust, Envy, Coveting, are antithetical to the principles this country was founded on. No matter what religion you practice, these emotions are the enemies of a Godly, effective religion.  If Americans practice the religion they proclaim to support, than why are so many, panting after what the other guy has?
More than 70% of Americans claim to be Christians, yet one has to ask: "Why do all these people allow a government to take away so much of what they have been able to acquire"? Americans now live by the creeds of the politicians (a lot of whom make no claim to believing in the God of the Universe) who "pit man against man". These politicians create an anger in Americans who do not have as much as the other guy. They make it sound as though the other guy has what he has because he took it from others, so let's take it back and give it someone else. More over, why are they allowing themselves to be duped by the politicians who almost never leave their elected positions, poorer than when they entered? Isn't that the height of hypocrisy?

These politicians have created a haves and haves not society that wants to take wealth away from those who have worked for it and earned it. And the oddest thing is, there is still more wealth left to obtain  It isn't a zero-sum gain (it isn't like there is only so much money in the world and only a few have most of it). Wealth IS a Christian virtue. Innovative ideas, hard work, and the accumulation of property and money is a goal every American should have. Wealth is NOT limited. Everyone can be wealthy, it is up to the individual to acquire it, and a compass with a working needle will give you the directions you need to pursue those liberties, freedoms and wealth.

Americans need to return to their Faith. Faith in God who has given directions, morals, and principles in all of our interpersonal matters.


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