Thursday, August 18, 2011


1935 and Roosevelt gave America the WPA (Works Project Administration) which was instituted by Executive order and can be done again, by this President; I believe, Obama will return from his vacation, with a program very similar.

For those of you out of work and wanting to be employed, earning an income to be able to provide for your families and have a few cents left over to spend as you please, the WPA is NOT the panacea for you or for your neighbor.

Government can only provide work, not jobs. Jobs are made when a business provides a product or service which generates an exchange of money, for that product or service which is then re-invested into the business for upgrades or expansions. The employee, would then take his earned income and "reinvest" it into his pleasures and needs, then return to his job for more of the same. When the government puts people to work, there is no income generated for either the government OR the employee because the money that is used to develop the work first had to taken away from someone else, because the government does not produce a profitable service or a product that can be traded on the open market. A WPA, or any similar program, takes money from already cash strapped people either in higher taxes, or in revenue generators like fees, or charges, and continues to do so for the length of the life of the WPA.

The WPA of the thirties, gave work to people to build public buildings, or roads or publicly owned or operated utilities. But there were additional caveats, then. A husband and wife could not work for the WPA, because the wife would be taking money away from another man and his family. Firehouses were built, miles of water lines were run, but also remember, UNIONS did not yet rule. It would impossible for me to believe unions would give up any jobs, and certainly not the benefits, just to put people to work.

However, I can further see Obama inflating the unions by making this work available through them, thereby increasing the size of unions, and adding to their clout, at tax payers expense. Actually, THAT would be a brilliant idea. He could satisfy the unions at the same time, paying them back and increasing His support through them. Likely, the new union members would show their appreciation by voting for him in the next election.

Work, under those conditions, would go to those states that do not have right to work laws, where unions do not prevail. East and West coasts would see a large increase in union membership, and an increase in the flow of money generated through this program. Taxpayers would be funding the very administration that would make them and their families irrelevant in the future.

This is a lot like the Dictatorships of Communist countries, where the citizens are told what to do, when, and where and are given a stipend for their existence. I remember seeing pictures of maybe one hundred Chinese people sweeping the snow off the walk-ways of Tiananmen Square. Is this what you want America to become?

Keeping busy, is not the same as being employed; the end results are different. The employed man has plans and dreams, the worker has nothing but what THAT day gives him.

This may be 2011, and I hope I am wrong, but for a Socialist like Obama, the WPA is his next best idea. If he is successful, he might earn a page in history; .....and a few extra union voters.

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