Thursday, July 14, 2011


To understand how this whole debt ceiling / budget talks will end, you only have to look at the last two and one half years of the Obama presidency.

The Democratic Senate has not produced the required constitutional budget for over 800 days, and Obama has been on a spending spree, because of the lack of constraints that come with a budget.

Now, he "realizes" that our country is in debt and needs to borrow more money. But I just don't think that is a fair analysis. I do not think the President is concerned about the debt or the ceiling. In fact it is my contention things are going along just the way he and the Democrats would like them to go. Their objections to the resistance from the Conservative House of Representatives is political gobble-de-gook.

Just think: at your house you have spent more money than you can repay, even with all the good credit you have. There just isn't any more money to pay for all your expenses, so what do you do? Like every good Democratic politician, you borrow more money, AND you tell your employer he has to pay you more. Borrowing more puts you deeper in debt and the "raise" you demanded will not even pay for the debt you incurred before you borrowed the additional money. Would this make sense? Could you manage your household this way? Of course not, but that is what the President and the Democratic Senate want to do. And if the Conservatives don't go along with them, the President will be forced to withhold social security payments to all of us old folks, who have no other means of income. WHAT?! I thought we all paid into this here social security fund, so why isn't there any money to repay us? Why doesn't UNFUNDED liabilities go without money? How about ethanol subsidies, farmer subsidies, oh yeah how about all those foreign countries that bad mouth the good ole USA, are they going to keep getting money while us old folks do not?

Look, this is what progressives are all about. Capitalism MUST be destroyed and the government MUST get bigger; Fascism is the order of the day. Raising your taxes, giving money to the auto industry, banks and foreign countries establishes this country as just another socialist country.

It isn't a fact that the debt ceiling must be raised so we can borrow more money; NO, all the "government" has to do is CUT where it has to, just like you and I would in our household budget, to make ends meet. The debt ceiling has been raised 10 times out of 10, when too much money had been spent. How come none of those previous ceiling raises didn't solve the problem?

As for taxes: the Progressives feel that any money you or I make is not our own. They arbitrarily determine an amount they think we should need to live on, and the rest belongs to the taxman. Progressives act like they are doing you a favor to earn the money they need to run the government; but of course being the elites they are, this rule doesn't apply to them. Just try to imagine this; they sit up in some high towered building, laboring over decisions on how they can help provide you with the things they believe you need, all the while, making millions, and maintaining a standard of living they will not let you obtain. Er-go, not only do they want to spend more, they want more of the money we earn because they believe we are just too stupid to spend it the way they think we should, and by taking it away from us, they keep us from becoming independent. It is they who need us, not the other way around.

To add insult to injury, the talking heads on Fox, call on establishment republicans like Karl Rove, who is known as the "architect" for the Bush administration that gave us a little more of the big government all those politicians want, and ask him for his opinion as to what the Conservatives should do. What a joke! Karl is no conservative, what could he possibly know about conservatism?

The grass roots movement gave us politicians who are trying to fix this damaged government and its spending habits, and they are making a difference. They are causing Boehner to act like a man with a spine. Those conservatives are making enough of a difference that this debt ceiling debate is not going as well as it used to. They are not so willing to just rubber stamp the spending and wastefulness of this administration. The Obama administration will try to lay the blame on them, when (as planned) Obama "has" to deny social security payments to us, and cut a bloated government by laying off un-needed employees.

Make no mistake, Obama will not back down; he doesn't want to. If he can't get the extra taxation and borrowed money he wants, he will make cuts that will be hurtful to Americans. Afterall, "it won't be his fault". He'll claim he tried to warn us that this would happen if those rascally conservatives won't give in to him. It won't last long, but he'll take advantage of this situation to establish his next presidential re-election bid. After-all, America will just crumble without his expertise and the expertise of all progressives, and the proof will be in the debt ceiling debate outcome. If he gets what he wants, he wins, if he doesn't get what he wants, he will win because of the "disastrous outcome that the conservatives forced the county into".

Hold your head up; contact your representatives and tell them you have their back. They need to know you will not abandon them. The next general election inlcludes a sufficient number of Senators so that conservatives could become the majority in both houses, neuturing this spending, taxing, fascist president, if he wins re-election.

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