Sunday, July 3, 2011


When I was much younger, unions offered me job protection and 'security'. As I aged, as a union representative, I began to realize the communistic or socialistic implications of unions and the people represented by the unions as well as the people affected by unions, who are not even associated with the union in question.

I worked for the "Steelworkers Union" in the Bethlehem Steel Company, in Lackawanna New York. I was a very good representative, winning 75% of my grievances. But maturity, made me wiser. Although I could help keep a job for an employee that actually should have been discharged for their repeated absences, or misconduct, I learned that these people held back the employees who were eager to work and were otherwise exemplary employees. But it was those very employees who lost the most, because unions protected the people that it should have let go, and by that protection, made good employees mediocre.

Wages were arbitrated across the board, instead of meritoriously. So, the bad employees got as much as the good wasn't a fair way to reward those who did their job and were in attendance as their job required. Benefits were arbitrated across the board, instead of meritoriously. Everyone was treated as part of the whole instead of individually, and many of those malevolents were sometimes substance abusers or alcohol abusers. And I know it's true because we had a program that made the Bethlehem Steel Company keep employees who were abusers, IF they entered a drug and rehab program; a program used by the union to keep employees, employed. Most abusers didn't receive the treatment they needed to 'cure' themselves; they just needed to enter the program to keep their jobs.

Americanism is all about exceptionalism; unions ruined this concept and made all employees equal to the worse or less caring employee; subsequently, anyone affected by the products made by union people, got a mediocre product. Cars for instance; it was common thought that a car built on a Monday or a Friday, had more flaws or problems than those built during the week. So, the public was affected by unions, even though the public didn't work for the union. Automobile recalls, could probably be linked to those two days' production,  when union employees were less interested in their job than they were in the weekend coming or going.

I can't be certain of the statistics, but of the injuries and deaths within the steel industry I don't doubt that the majority were on Monday or Friday, just like the automobile employee statistic that showed a negative trend on certain days, and primarily, because of unions, steel plants no longer are profitable in the United States. I worked at a plant that employed over 21,000 people; today the facility is a water treatment plant with about 3,000 people employed; doesn't the union care that 18,000 people lost their jobs? And guess what; the unfunded pensions of those people are being administered by a governmental agency because Bethlehem Steel had to file bankruptcy and couldn't afford to pay the pensions it obligated itself to, through union negotiations. Today, I get about 1/10th of what I was told I would get when I retired.

Unions are not concerned about its membership; unions are concerned about power and political connections.  Unions use membership dues to further their position with politicians, but members do not get a direct benefit from those dues and connections.

Democrats, and Socialists, like Unions because unions 'control' the masses and all that companies or governments have to do is negotiate with a few, rather than individually with those who feel they have more to offer than what they are being paid for. If companies relished and enjoyed individualism, they would seek employees that could help them grow; Microsoft is responsible for producing hundreds of millionaires, not because of unions but because of the efforts and work of individuals; both the employee and the company has benefited from those individuals.

Today, unions are raging literal destruction throughout the world; why? because "they" do not want to be dissolved. Why are they being dissolved, because they cater to the least and demand the most. The rioters and destroyers are no doubt, the weak link within the union. A good employee wouldn't even think of destroying private or public property. A good employee wants to work, get his benefits, make some money, plan for the future, buy what his heart desires, and get onto the next day. Those who want to spend their days destroying others' property, have no respect for anyone. They just feel they are 'entitled', and want their 'entitlement'. Do you see the difference?

States are legislating Unions into oblivion; that is a good thing. Meritorious benefits and wages will make better employees, and those who are dragging an organization down, will be terminated, as they should be. The hard working Americans will prosper, especially without unions. Individuals will be able to 'sell' themselves to the highest bidder. YOU, will be able to plan on your future dependent on what you are able to do, not what the union 'can do for you'.

Exceptionalism is not new and needs to be the mindset of the 21st century. This country is not finished. We have living within our boundaries, some of the worlds' brightest and best. We need to return our Universities back to the people of America; we need to encourage industry and business to locate and relocate in the USA. This is the greatest country in the world, and communism or socialism has no place here. Cuba is trying to encourage capitalism; soon, Venzuela will. Why should we hide from that? This country is a leader in the world. We don't want to force ourselves upon anyone, like unions do. This country wants to be a beacon for the world; an example for them to follow, if they want to.

The Democratic party is not the party it used to be; it is not the party of JFK. The Democratic party is in lock step with unions, with socialism with the destruction of individualism. The Republican party is being forced to reconsider Conservatism; individualism. The grass roots movement referred to as the TEA Party is just Americans fed up with being led around for the benefit of a few. The TEA Party will decide elections in the future, because the TEA Party is made up of Americans who want to be governed by the Constitution; by the rule of law; by freedom. Americans want the right to pursue the happiness each individual wants, not a happiness dictated to us by political and union arbitrators.

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