Monday, July 18, 2011


I am fed up with John McCain and Mitch McConell and the rest of those establishment repubs. On the Hannity radio program McCain said "the votes aren't there in the Senate to pass "Cut, Cap and Balance". John...SO WHAT!! According to the Constitution, bills can originate in the House. If the blankety blank Senate doesn't like what the house proposes, they can vote against it. It is idiotic for Senator McCain to assert that the house can only pass bills that the Senate likes or agrees with. What then? Can we eliminate the House of Representatives?

Furthermore, why does the House even discuss these matters with the President? Again, according to the Constitution, the federal budget originates in the House. Our "Congressmen" do not have to confer with the President in order to offer a budget. Let the Senate vote against the budget proposal; let the President veto what ever he wants to, that is the way our process works. It is not the Presidents prerogative to tell the House what he wants them to propose. What would be the point if all negotiations were made prior to proposing a bill? Heck, if that is how DC works, then let's just eliminate all of those dastardly representatives in the House and maybe one half of the Senate, and let's just ask the President what he wants.

That is one of the problems with the politics of today, in America. If the elected politicians just did what they are required to do and what we voted for them to do, then DC would look a little different. Right now, all we hear about is a lot of news media telling us what the President doesn't like or what he will veto. SO WHAT! Let him veto; let the Senate reject what the House sends them. Everyone should  have to explain why they voted for, or against what they did vote on. It shouldn't be the medias' job to tell us.

There is just too much talking going on in DC. Pass some bills and let the chips fall where they may. There are too many "Buds" in DC. The American people deserve to have the people they voted for to propose and pass legislation the voters expect them to. There is a reason why there are two parties; one party wants this country to look differently than the other party wants it to; so there should be some disagreements.

The "Tea Party" folk; the grass roots folks want this country restored to its greatness by way of constitutional legislation. We want a fight with the other side. We are not happy with what the other side has been doing, so why should our elected representatives have to discuss anything with the other side? We don't want them to find common ground, we want our side to take back the ground lost to those Liberals over the last 70 or so years. We are not happy with what the other side has been doing, so negotiations are out of the question. We have different values and we want those values presented in and through legislation.

Go Ryan! Go Ron Paul! Go Rand Paul! Go Demint! Go Cantor and the rest of you. It is better to lose the fight than to give in before you even start. Capitulating only gives them what they want, and you lose anyway.

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