Friday, July 22, 2011


This is great.

Folks, remember, for over 800 days, the Democrats did not present a budget and are required to according to the Constitution Article I, section 7, and now that the House is controlled by the Republicans, everyone wants the other guy to present a budget. Well, the House did, as they are required and if the Senate doesn't like it, they can vote against it, then try to work out differences between the 2 Houses.

The Senate does not have any other choice, Constitutionally. It can only accept, are reject what the House sends it as a budget. The Senate is NOT required to submit their own budget, but is required to vote on what the House sends it. The Constitution allows the Senate to offer suggestions, but the Senate MUST vote on what the House sends it.

So now we have the proverbial stand-off. If there is any harm done to our country because of this debate, it lies entirely on the Democratically controlled Senate. They do not have the option to get things their way anymore. The grownups have moved in and presented the first budget in over 810 days, and the Senate is required to vote on THAT budget, not offer their own. If it is possible, the 2 Houses can work out a compromise, BUT remember, the Senate HAS to vote on what the House sends it. If they don't, they are in violation of the Constitution, and are responsible for whatever happens to the faith and credit of this great country.

Is this a gamble for the House? YES, but this country has a 2 party system and the differences between the 2 parties is now on display. When both Houses were run by the Democrats, the Democratic President got just about everything he wanted; now this country is ready to default on its debt, because of that reckless spending, unhampered by a Constitutional budget.

Today, is a new day. Republicans have nothing to lose. If the Senate and the President can manage to persuade some Republican Senators to vote their way, it would make no difference to Americans. The Democrats have had their way for a long time, and such a compromise will just allow things to go on as if Republicans do not matter.

So, Republican Conservatives, stand your ground. If in the end, the Democrats get what they want, well, they have had their way for a long time. On the other hand, if Conservatives can stand strong against the status quo, we might be able to put this country back on solid footing, with so much more to come, especially after the next Senatorial election.

I implore my readers to read their copy of the Constitution. IT IS the document that has been abused for far too long and needs to be restored in the thinking and functioning of our politicians. If they cannot abide by it, then they need to be voted out of office so someone who wants to represent this country, the Constitution and the people of America, can run for office and get elected to that end.

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