Friday, April 16, 2010

Contract Signing Time Again

Dear, dear Sean Hannity. He has his children signing contracts with him when they want something like ice cream, and he wants grown men and women; Politicians, to sign a contract so we can "fire" them if they renege, as if voting someone out of office cannot be done any other way. How childish!! No wonder Conservatives are not respected.

Sean Hannity has a radio program that is one big advertisement. When he allows a caller to engage him in conversation, Sean uses the time to answer the caller by reciting a litany of garbage adnauseam . The response is always about what Sean just wrote in his book; or about the list of things everyone listening should agree to; or about the 10 or 20 proposals Sean wants all politicians to do because of course, Sean has all the answers; or about a piece of paper Sean wants politicians to sign because they are not smart enough to understand the problems of the office they are trying to get elected into or the difficulty this nation faces. No no....we must first summon the Great Sean Hannity and seek his pathetic advise, before you dare become someone elected by the citizens of a free nation.

My Daddy used to tell me, "if you want something done right, do it yourself". The TEA Party people are doing what needs to be done and will follow that up at the voting booth. But, Sean ..... is a talk show host, and not a politician. And the way he makes intelligent, country-serving people cower to him and his childish ideas, makes me cringe.

Sean thinks that a third party is not the answer to the problem of politicans saying one thing, then doing another. No No ....he wants these people to "sign a contract"? Wow, the Republican party needs him. How did it ever get along without his magnanimous insights and prophetic leadings? What a fantastic answer to the problem that has caused such a grass roots uprising. How silly of us all to think we could make a difference in the political arena without having that Sean Hannity useless piece of paper.

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