Monday, April 26, 2010

They're at it Again

The Dems are pushing it, and the Repubs don't have an idea what needs to be done, so we are going to be exposed to a whole lot more of the dreaded Immigration Reform stuff.

Arizona finally got the intestinal fortitude to stand for something, and what that amounts to is simply enforcing laws the Federal Government is constitutionally obligated to do, defend our country from invaders. Now we are going to get that onion pealed back again, layer by layer and what we'll end up with is a very strong stink; a smell that can make your eyes cry.

We'll hear stories of illegals doing jobs Americans don't want to do; we'll hear about those poor illegals who snuck into our country years ago and should now be allowed to stay here; we'll hear about making some illegals pay fines and then move them to the head of the line, yadda, yadda, yadda . BUT, no matter what the argument, no matter how sympathetic you might be, they are still here illegally and that is in violation to the laws of this great nation.

IF our government did what it is supposed to do, there wouldn't be any illegals, and now, because the illegals were not sent back to their own country, right after they crawled into the desert in order not to be detected, we are supposed to say "my bad", go on .... you can live here?

Look, this is a country of immigrants, but legal immigrants. Those are the people who not only want to come to America, but they want to become American citizens; they want to speak English, they can tell you about some of our American heritage and the capitals of some of our states, AND they can recite the Pledge of Allegiance. These people want to contribute to this country and be given the opportunity to succeed and excel as all immigrants can and have in the past. None of this is true of illegals. What most of them want is to game the system. They want anchor babies so they can tap into the good hearted nature of Americans.

And now illegals want to demonstrate against the goodness of Americans because our politicians did nothing to stop their illegal behavior, and expect all the other immigrants, most of whom are now called Americans, to just accept that they want what we have, SO we should just be compassionate and give them what they want.

If you are in Mexico illegally, you WILL be deported, but in America we find some politicians don't feel we have a right to protect our people and our country from an illegal invasion.
In Mexico, an unnaturalized citizen cannot own property, but in America we find some politicians do not protect the private property ownership of those who are here legally and are gainfully employed.

Once that stink has your eyes watering, as you rub them you, ask the questions: what the heck is going on? Why have we all played by the rules for the last 200 years, protecting not only this country, but others as well, as our fathers, sons and daughters died fighting to keep this great country free? Because of what we have done in the past, others want to come here. They see a freedom that motivates people to love the flag that represents their country. Other countries see that same flag and want it destroyed, but have not been able to do that, because a free people have a whole lot more to lose than do people in countries that have no self worth, self esteem and love of country. Heck, if there are people that love the country they were born in then  why do they want to come here?

Americans I appeal to you. Do not let your guard down. Sympathy is a good thing, but don't give away the house because someone else wants it.

We need to first fence off our borders and gain control over who is coming into our country.
We need to re-establish immigration laws that will allow foreigners into our country on an equal basis. There need to be laws and rules governing the inflow of immigrants and their assimilation into this country. We need to be able to keep out those who are not interested in becoming an American citizen, and we need to keep out the sick who might bring disease to our great nation.
Then reorganize an assimilation program that includes a Pledge of Allegiance to this country and an English speaking program so immigrants can speak the language of this country. And like the old days, immigrants should have a sponsor to whom we can communicate our expectations.

Then we have to hunt down employers who are hiring illegals and make the fine on that activity so stiff it might even put them out of business (others will fill the gap, but we need to scare these offenders to the point of incarceration for being accomplices to illegality), and deport the illegals we find working in these places of business, families and all.

If there are businesses that cannot find Americans who want to work, perhaps if we didn't allow them to hire underpaid employees, those businesses would realize they have to pay a fair wage in order to be competitive.
Maybe that means prices will go up temporarily, but they will go back down if the playing field is level. Look, maybe a legal immigrant can devise and produce a lettuce picker or a tomato picker or a strawberry picker. The point is, need is the engine of ideas and ingenuity is the soul of competition. Hiring slaves to work a farm field to harvest crop by hand, will not make room for innovational equipment. And the condition of all Americans will suffer, when our government supresses innovation.

Laws are made to establish civil continuity and allowing illegals to come into our country and stay here because they managed to sneak in during the night, damage those laws, and do great harm to this country.

We need more states like Arizona to get some gonads and enforce laws that already exist. If the Fed's won't do it, then authorize the police within the states to do the job best left for the unwilling Fed's.

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