Friday, April 16, 2010

Leading or being Led

Mitt Romney, it seems, is becoming the favorite Republican for candidate for the Presidency. WHY?!
He gave Massachusetts a real boondoggle, concerning Healthcare.
States do have a right to govern individually from all the other states; that is how one state gets favor over another by people who spend the time looking at the demographics and politics of each state, if they want to relocate. And sometimes, they look SO they can relocate because they don't like the way their state is being governed and can't seem to make a difference at the ballot box.
Mitt Romney continues to brag about how he settled the healthcare issue in Massachusetts, but now we hear him explaining how that system came to be. One of the most notorious assertions he is making is that the Federal Government was already paying for Medicare so all he did was "add" to that program and required everyone in Massachusetts to get healthcare. AND, as President, that would be his model to follow.
Well, first off, Medicare is funded by taking taxes from one person, in one state, and giving it to someone in his own state, through the Federal program; how is that any different than what the current administration has just passed? Oh, there may be a lot more pages to the current law, and a lot of amendments that have nothing to do with healthcare, but the essence is the same....BIG GOVERNMENT!
Mitt Romney admittedly, would fashion the national heathcare program after his Massachusetts Big Dig, to coin a phrase.
But he also has a problem with making decisions. He likes to present himself as a businessman, able to put things into motion. But what he really is, and this is crucially important, is a man who decides by committee. He doesn't have the leadership necessary to lead this great nation. Instead, he would be having those dreaded daily and weekly meetings that government is so fond of, as if for all the meeting, more is accomplished. And the result of some of those meetings is the Massachusetts Healthcare Woe's.
Mitt Romney is not a Libertarian, he is not a Conservative, and he is not a Strict Constitutionalist. He is a RINO, who would give this nation more of the years of George Bush (dubbya).
The two things President Bush did that Conservatives liked him for so much, was the War on the Terrorists and Tax cuts......other than that, he would not have gotten re-elected. Don't forget he broke his promise to veto Campaign Finance. He gave us that enormous unfunded Prescription drug program; he gave us No Child Left Behind, fashioned by Ted Kennedy and if not for the clamoring of the Conservatives, he would have given us Harriet Myers as a Supreme Court Judge.
This nation needs new blood. Someone who wants to serve the people. We already have politicians that believe they are a God send. We don't need that anymore. We need people who know the Constitution and want to restore this nation to its greatness by virtue of THAT Constitution, not committee meetings and onerous legislation the current politicians admit is too lengthy to read and too hard to understand.

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