Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Jever Wonder

  • If 90% of this Nation is Christian, why are we passing gay-rights laws?
  • Why did we allow the politicians to give themselves a retirement package that included 50% of their salary for the rest of their lives, after just 5 years of service? Why do they have any retirement at all?
  • The 2 party system does not allow for many independents to get elected. The parties have the advantage during an election by virtue of their name recognition and the committee seats they hold....thus almost requiring the chairmen of the national party to direct loads of cash against an opponent, because with the incumbent, the "rails are already greased".
  • Why do the states have to pass laws that restore constitutional rights to it citizens? Shouldn't it be the case that constitutional rights already exist?
  • Why are both national parties (Democratic and Republican) so afraid of a third or even a fourth party? Shouldn't we have the right to vote for whomever we think is best qualified instead of who the party makes us vote for?
  • And why did we ever decide to vote for a pair of people on a specific ticket for President and Vice President? The Constitution says that the person getting the most votes will become President and the one who comes in second with the most votes will be Vice President. THAT is one way of the checks and balances the Founders gave us (Article II).
  • Why do we have convenience stores open late into the night and on Sundays? Shouldn't we have time to be with our families? Why does anyone work such stupid hours, at a job that isn't going anywhere?
  • When I was a child, the stores closed around 5pm on Friday (store owners wanted to go home to their families) ....you were expected to know enough to get what you wanted before the store closed. Is that asking so much?
  • Why do young women and some middle aged women want to wear clothes that make them walk and look like guys? And how come they don't want to look feminine when they get in their twenties, but walk around half-naked when they are teens? (Maybe that's why they don't get any respect).
  • Take a look at the "smoking area" outside a Walmart .....yup, mostly women. Isn't it funny that when the guys smoked, they could do it anywhere but no, no, no not the women. They have to go out into the elements.
  • And another thing, just where do all the men work? Box stores and warehouses are pretty much all the work there is, if you are not in a Mickey Dees or a Burger King, and they are staffed with mostly women; same with the dentists office and the doctors office, heck even the hospitals are staffed mostly with women ..... just where do all the men work, or do they? 
  • Abortions, aren't they great? Through abortions we have almost eliminated the following generations of workers so now we have to import workers, and a lot of those are not even here legally.
  • Tell me, how does paying a $100.00 dollar fine for speeding, make the roads a safer place to drive? Hey, why don't we charge $200.00 and make them super safe.
  • The same is true when you run a red light, doesn't the ticket you get make the roads safer?
  • And that drivers license; one road test, then just send in your money for the next, ugh say 50 years. What a scam that is. Do you really think that only people who do not have a drivers license get into accidents or speed?
  • It used to be if you had a large, heavy car, your auto insurance was cheaper because you were more likely to survive an accident. But not today; Today, the heavier the car the more you pay because your car will cause more damage and even harm others. What?!
  • If making the roads a safe place to drive was the "Main" thing, then we should get all cars off the road. Hey, approximately 40,000 people are killed by car accidents every year; how safe is that?
  • Then we could get rid of the laws that say you can only drink so much alcohol .... and we can go back to going to sleep on the sidewalk like we did in the good ole days.
  • Laws against marijuana? That's sure working good too, isn't it? So tell me, besides making jails larger and giving jobs to more of those turnkeys, just what safety is obscured or enhanced by the grass laws? That is the goal, right? To make the state a safer place?
  • Why don't we demand that the state require lawn mower operators to get a license? Hey, some of those things go faster than my car, surely we need to be concerned about safety.
  • I like this one:  They are going to charge more for electricity during the afternoon, when the demand is higher, to get you to use less. Does that mean the over all rate will go down for the rest of us, now that the company is getting more money for the same product? OR .. or or, is Walmart going to charge more for the food you buy during peak hours because they have to pay more for electricity during those hours? And after there is a reduction in usage of electricity, are they going to raise our rates because their profit margins are shrinking? And how about gasoline, should those people who drive during peak hours pay more for their gasoline, then you and I who are otherwise smart and frugal?
  • Jever Wonder where these politicians get these cock-a-maimey ideas?

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