Wednesday, April 28, 2010


Man they just keep on keeping on.
Have you tried to get an email address recently for your US senator or congressman? They direct you to a web site. Then you have to fill out this personal info form and then send the email, BUT you never get to see the email address. So now you cannot email them without going through this process each and every time AND that means you cannot send a group have to do this laborious process first, each and every email.

Oh sure you can call, and from now on that is what I will do, because otherwise, the email letters get screened and you are sent a message something like  "sorry, the senator does not represent your district. Please locate the senator that does to be certain your email can get to him". They want you to think they actually care, but what they are doing is screening all emails, IF you bother to go through the maze they've set up.

Folks, I hope your eyes are being opened. This gustoapo like tactics-light are not what a Representative Government is supposed to look like. This Republic, is being erased email by email and sifted like the sands through a strainer to remove what makes our elected officials, accountable to us. We elect them, THEY remove the means by which we can keep in touch with them and offer our opinion, and did you know that every US Senator has a million dollar budget to run each and every office, annually? So .... we elect them, they finance their offices with our tax dollars, which are used to keep us out of their way so they can go about doing what they want to do, NOT what we want them to do.

We have to run these characters out of office and replace each and everyone of them with Constitutionalists, or Libertarians, or Conservatives. You are losing your country one day at a time, one politician at a time and YOU are paying for it.

The ego-maniacals take power to another level. Without God and a sense that God does exist and has made the earth and all that is in it, these people think THEY are gods who bestow upon us, their offerings to appease us, for the time being.

Every Democracy turns into a dictatorship and every dictatorship will meet its demise by an angry down-trodden people. We don't want to see this great country go the way of democratic nations. THIS is a REPUBLIC. Don't give it away.

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